Cam Brown

Name: Cam Brown
Position: RHP
Born: October 15, 2001
United States
Bats/Throws: R/R
Height/Weight: 6’3″ 225
How Acquired: Drafted in the 10th Round of the 2023 Draft by the Phillies
Signed: July 18, 2023
Bonus: $154,500
Options Remaining: 3
Rule 5 Eligible: 2026
MiLB Free Agency: 2029


Pitcher Statcast

*Statcast data only available for FSL (2021-2023), AAA (2023), and isolated select games and locations.

Pitch TypeYear# of PitchesAverage VelocityMax VelocityMedian SpinVBreakHBreak
4-Seam Fastball20231394.294.9217917-11

Pitcher Tracking

*Pitch tracking data sourced from Statcast, broadcasts, and individual reports

Pitch TypeYearVelocity LowVelocity HighVelocity MaxGames Tracked

Prospect Rankings

Role: Middle Reliever
Risk: High – Brown walked 40 batters in 55.1 innings at TCU and had 8 walks to 1 strikeout in 1.2 innings across 3 games in pro ball. His stuff will not allow him to have success with below average control.
Summary: Brown fits the Phillies model of college draftee. He was a starter with good size, control issues, and one interesting trait. In this case, Brown throws a low to mid 80s slider with spin rates averaging over 2600 RPM that is more of a traditional two plane pitch than a sweeper or gyro. His fastball is mid 90s with middling spin and movement, and he throws a changeup, but one that likely does not stick around as a reliever. The Phillies could run him out as a starting pitcher, but it is likely he goes to the bullpen where they could look to add a cutter or other option, but most likely his path is throwing his slider over 50% of the time and using the fastball more sparingly.
2024 Outlook: Brown briefly made an appearance in Clearwater, and is not a dominant enough arm where the Phillies should be prioritizing fast tracking him. That means a likely return to Clearwater in a bullpen role.