Phillies Draft Carson DeMartini in the 4th Round of the 2024 Draft

After prioritizing speed, and some power questions, in the first 3 rounds, the Phillies go for power in the 4th round with Virginia Tech third baseman Carson DeMartini.

DeMartini struck out a ton this year and in 2022, but had it under control in 2023. There is some speculation about his shoulder injury messing with his swing and maybe selling out a bit for power in 2024. He hit 21 home runs this season and .269/.400/.672 overall. He had an OPS of 1.110 as a freshman and 1.048 as a sophomore as well. There are definitely hit tool concerns here, but he is a left handed pull power guy.

Defensively he shifted over to third in 2023 and 2024 after the should injury and should stay at the hot corner.

It is a big swing on a guy with a big swing who produced in college, and adds some power to a draft class lacking in it.